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2025: The Year of Make Believe
Imagine. Believe. Become.
The New Model for business
The "&" part of my business name means YOU. I am always looking for others on their spiritual path to walk in faith with me and collaborate our dreams together. I desire to build a connective company that embraces the gifts you have and what you love to do.

Soul-Led Business Practices - Living a Spiritual life
Are you ready for the new world of "being" business rather than "doing" business?
A co-operative company where we are all committed to being self responsible, where alignment & energy are the most important part of our very existence - that includes life & business.
Maybe that looks like working on a project together, being interviewed on each others podcast, social media support - whatever it is that utilizes and calls forth both our passions to thrive.
The question I ask myself every single day:
"Am I all in with my own divine leadership model or do I continue to believe in a system that hasn't worked for me yet anyway?"
New Creation (Business) Model
Based on Alignment, Trust & Receiving
Based on Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine Energetic models
Trusting Inner Guidance
Living from Gratitude & Abundance
Being Ready to be Ready
Path of Least Resistance
One Higher truth
Following the Path of Least Resistance
Co-creating money
Using all senses
Integrating the ego into the conscious
We’re all on the same team (no competition)
Listening to, accepting, soothing & releasing energetic stagnation
Building & stretching new spiritual muscles
Free, loose and easy flow from task to task without guilt, fear or worry
Old, Outdated Business Model
(& Why it feels so “wrong” and uncomfortable to choose differently)
Based on Wounded/Egoic Feminine & Masculine
Fear based (anxiety, depression, negativity, overwhelm, jealousy, lack & scarcity, only one way)
Manipulation based
Separation & Division
Earning a Living
Doing things that aren’t aligned
Making money
Earn Your Keep
I am unworthy to Receive you
Eat or be eaten
Dog eat Dog world
Keeping up with the Joneses
Working really “hard”
Struggle & Hustle
Guess it’s not meant for me attitude
Currently Seeking Spiritually Aligned Business Collaborators:
Virtual Assistant
Creators of all kinds
Meet Your Creative Leader - Donnia Anastasia
Spiritual Being having a human experience as: Accountability Mentor, Medicine Woman. Healer. Coach. Cheerleader. Weirdo. Artist. Holistic Mystic. Divine Feminine Creator. Black Sheep. Alchemist. I am the Creator and Founder of The Art of Being You - Life Path Coaching Programs. With 25+ years experience in the world of holistic healing, spiritual and creative graphic arts. I empower women to stand up and show up fully - for who they truly are what & they really desire in life - freedom, peace, safety, joy, abundance.
Life Path Coaching is about your personal path of self-discovery & ultimate mastery and I can help guide you to your most amazing, authentic self if you are committed to finally making the change stick!

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