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Step into the
Sacred Healing Circle

A Virtual Healing Space & Intention Seeding Circle

Welcome to Sacred Community

hello you...

Within these circles of unconditional warmth and intention, I declare in front of you now,
I am the woman who leads with her intuitive Great Mother Wisdom of holding space, nurturing and unconditional love.
I am the woman who naturally leads by being my authentic self.
I am the woman who people want in a crisis.
I am the woman who absolutely trusts that all is well, even when the external appearances are complex and difficult.
I am the woman who can meet the discomfort and pain of others with ease.
I am the woman who others naturally want to talk to and they share their personal stories
I am the woman who has the ability to be with every challenge in life and be unaffected by them.
I am the woman who leads with invisible leadership by being with people, focusing on individual voices & people.
Holding space is like being a safe, cozy blanket for someone’s feelings. It means listening, staying close, and letting you feel whatever you need to feel, like happy, sad, or even mad, without trying to fix it or change it. I'm simply here to help you feel safe and loved, no matter what.
Ways I hold space:
Circles where I invite others to be part of the ritual (cooking, light candles, anoint, create temple and places of comfort and safety.)

Healing mother wounds
Being with unmothered women
Rites of Passage
Seeding Intention Circles
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Goddess Sister Circle Membership

What it is - Monthly Intentional Healing Space


Why it's go time - We need company of other supporting women


Why you - Because you are reading this now


When is it? - Every Full Moon of the Month


Why me - I am called to lead women back together, celebrate ourselves, to circle, seed Intentions, get back to our nature and build strong authentic relationships with other women.


How much? - whatever you can afford




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Why a Membership?

Typically, when we invest in something with the energy exchange of dollar bills, we are more likely to show up for ourselves. The time spent preparing the space, the content all takes time and energy - all of which are valuable commodities.


I have designed a tier investment exchange and you get to determine what raising your vibration, increasing your self worth, your well-being means for you.




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What is included?

Whether you join us in-person or virtually, you receive the same safe, sacred space to be seen, heard and valued for what you are bringing in to the circle. 


Each month will involve specific guidance, teachings, practices and community and that includes, but not limited to:


- journalng reflections

- integrative, somatic practices

- meditations & guided visualizations

- discounts on other programs & courses



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2025 Calendar of Gatherings

Some times, we will all be meeting virtually, and here are the dates we will be meeting. Prior to the meeting, you will receive an email from me to confirm the date and time.


Please use the short subscribe button below to get these messages.


Here are the dates of the Full Moon in 2025:


January 13

February 12

March 14

April 12

May 12

June 11

July 10

August 9

September 7

October 6

November 5

December 4


Please mark your calendars now.





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Monthly Membership

Sacred Healing Circle Invitation

Membership Options
I am Donnia Anastasia

Spiritual Being having a human experience as: Holder of Sacred Space, Cheerleader. Black Sheep. Wild Woman. Magician. Medicine Woman. Holistic Mystic. Divine Feminine Creator. Alchemist. I am the Creator and Founder of The Art of Being You - Transformational Life Coaching Programs. With 25+ years experience in the world of holistic healing, spiritual and creative arts. I empower women to stand up and show up fully - for who they truly are & what they desire to experience in life.


My Coaching is about teaching and guiding you into deliberately making choices based on your values, commitments and priorities. I have been called to assist in the evolution of human consciousness through the alchemical process of transforming energy from stagnant to creation, from negative to positive, from fear into love.

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DISCLAIMER: As with all health related issues, by law, I cannot claim any of the information presented as sole medical treatment for any condition. The innate intelligence of your body knows the answer and as such must be discussed with your preferred medical professional assisting you on your path of health and healing. I ask you to do your due diligence and be responsible for your own health. My purpose is to share holistic healing and transformation for educational purposes only. As the Buddha said, no matter who said it, even if I have said it, disregard if it does not resonate with your own soul. 




No part in full partial shall be reproduced without written permission from the author.





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