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I sat down with the universe and told her I wanted to grow. I told her to use me as a vessel, so she made me uncomfortable. she stripped me of everything I knew. made me learn how to be silent. how to let go, how to move on, how to stand my ground, how to be more understanding, how to fight, how to survive, how to be more assertive, more loving, less naive. she told me to take everything i have learned and share it with others.

Next Level Human & Soul Story - the Integration

my next level story

I have spent my whole life being curious, investigating why we are here on this planet. I have flowed in and out of consciousness, in & out of survival mode my whole life - as most humans will.
I am now the woman who lives in present moment awareness & focuses on her energy.
I have lifetimes of soul experience & human awareness to bring to the table.
I am now the woman who celebrates her own value & worth.
I have spent lifetimes in doubt, confusion and disconnection. Living in the world - as it is - creates separation, division, scarcity & lack - is based on conditions. Conditions that come from other humans egos and survival modes.
I am now the woman who only has time for unconditional love.
I have experienced such deep self hatred & self betrayal that I used addiction to cope with the pain. 
I am now the woman who is no longer addicted.
I have experienced loved ones deteriorate & die because of their own negative thoughts of guilt, shame & fear. 

I am now the woman who let’s people be where they are without the need to manipulate or fix.
I have experienced the gut wrenching loss of friendships because I spoke my truth.
I am now the woman who let’s them.

I have spent too much time being so serious about life that I forgot to have have fun.


I am now the woman who looks for fun & adventure everywhere.

I have experienced the rabbit hole of suffering in indecision. 
I am now the woman who decides.
I have experienced great rage & anger because I was not allowed to be authentic. 

I am now the woman who uses her soul to guide her next move.
I have experienced abuse & neglect because I was unable to provide my own love & nurturing.
I am now the woman who deeply loves & appreciates herself.
I have experienced years of confusion, disconnection in the beliefs that I was not good enough to be happy, loved & valued.
I am now the woman who is always connected, always good enough.
I experienced the devastating heartbreak of losing relationships because of codependency and the need for external validation to prove I was worthy of having them.
I am the woman who no longer requires external validation.
I have experienced resistance in the forms of perfectionism, procrastination & fear because I didn’t have enough credentials.
I am now the woman who welcomes resistance because it helps guide my path.

The time of fear is over.
It’s time to merge with ourselves. It’s time to merge the soul and all layers of the human - ego, unconscious, subconscious - back with the Source - our true nature.
What is the Next level human work?

Alignment. Authenticity. Energy.

That’s all that matters. The resistance, suffering and ego will always be a part of our experience. This is the time to integrate them all - to become the One we have always been - but have forgotten. 
This is the time to build new systems and communities based in love, gratitude and self awareness.
You are welcome to join me.
Truth is, you may not be ready. You may not need to uplevel your life. You may not need support on your path. That’s totally cool. We all have different paths. 
I am here for the humans who are ready.
Ready to love themselves & their path more than anything.
Ready to face their demons in the eye, say “Hello. Welcome old friend. What have you for me today?”
And keep going.
Ready to look at resistance as an opportunity to grow & evolve.
Ready to create the new world we all wish to experience.
I am here for the human who is ready to embrace the consciousness that is making its way to them.
I’m here. Are you ready for your next level?

Donnia Anastasia

You have permission to be, do & have anything
you desire.

It's actually, your birthright.
Claim it.

My Holistic Toolbox

Holistic Toolbox

Founder + CEO : The Art of Being You

Certified Transformational Holistic Life Coach

Ayurvedic Health & Lifestyle Counselor + Bodywork Specialist

Transformational Course Educator

Spiritual Mentor

REIKI III Practitioner

Certified End-of-Life Doula

Licensed Massage Therapist

Plant Medicine Advocate & Herbalist

Motivational + Empowerment Speaker

Sacred + Spiritual Celebrant

Holistic Graphic Designer

PODCAST Host - The Art of Being You​
Holistic Life Coach

Holistic Health Care Practitioner
Ayurvedic Health Counselor & Bodywork Specialist

Licensed Massage Therapist
End-of-Life Doula

Reiki II Practitioner
Cranio-Sacral Therapist
Visceral Manipulation
Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist
Myofascial Release + Structural Integration
Table Thai Yoga Massage
Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage
The New Biology of Nutrition and Digestion
SMRT Therapist
AMTA Professional Member
CPR Certification
PA State Child Abuse Reporting + Prevention Course


I am Donnia Anastasia

Spiritual Being having a human experience as: Medicine Woman. Healer. Coach. Cheerleader. Weirdo. Artist. Holistic Mystic. Divine Feminine Creator. Black Sheep. Alchemist. I am the Creator and Founder of The Art of Being You - Transformational Life Coaching Programs. With 25+ years experience in the world of holistic healing, spiritual and creative arts. I empower women to stand up and show up fully - for who they truly are what & they really desire in life - freedom, peace, safety, joy, abundance.


Transformational Life Coaching is about deliberately making choices based on your values, commitments and priorities. I have been called to assist in the evolution of human consciousness. This is my path.

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DISCLAIMER: As with all health related issues, by law, I cannot claim any of the information presented as sole medical treatment for any condition. The innate intelligence of your body knows the answer and as such must be discussed with your preferred medical professional assisting you on your path of health and healing. I ask you to do your due diligence and be responsible for your own health. My purpose is to share holistic healing and transformation for educational purposes only. As the Buddha said, no matter who said it, even if I have said it, disregard if it does not resonate with your own soul. 




No part in full partial shall be reproduced without written permission from the author.





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